In the SCA, we take the best parts of life before the 17th century (600 – 1600 AD) and have fun. We enjoy learning from each other, and enjoy the camaraderie and friendly competition that result. We try to keep it on a light-hearted level, while maintaining a pretty good sense of re-creation. We’re not so much of a reenactment group, because you’ll find all time periods interacting with several types of nationalities. This is a game, and while we have our guidelines and some rules, it’s a great learning experience, and above all, relax and enjoy yourself!

Our interest areas include history, arts (calligraphy, painting, music, among others), crafts (sewing/costuming, weaving, brewing, etc.), culinary arts (we’re big on feasting – it was custom!), fighting arts (methods, weapons and armor creation), dancing, social customs… and many, many more! There is usually something that will appeal to just about everyone and skills you may already have are likely to fit in as well.

Our group meets on the first and third Thursday of every month. First Thursday of each month we have a virtual meeting.  Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend.  This is a business meeting, where we discuss Shire activities and upcoming SCA events around the Kingdom.  The third Thursday of the month, we have Arts & Sciences night where we have classes and work on group or individual projects.  In months that have a fifth Thursday, we have a pot-luck dinner and call it a ‘Portable Feast.’ 

Want to see some modern day knights at play? Then come to fighter practice.  Fighter practices are held most Sunday’s at 1:00 pm at Pratt Park located at 460 Doster Road, Prattville, AL.  Don’t fight? Come on out anyway, it’s another excuse to hang out and talk. second to regular meetings, this is where a lot of get togethers are planned, road trip plans are compared, and tips and advice are shared.

We offer a hearty invitation to any who may be interested, the doors are open to all at meetings… don’t be shy, there are plenty of people around to help you learn more about your particular area of interest. We offer and attend many classes to continually learn more about the time period, meet others and have a great time. See the officers page for contact info. Even if you just want to come check everything out, we’d be glad to have you!

Events are held just about every weekend all over the South. Any given weekend, with the exception of holidays, usually offers several events within easy driving distance. The Kingdom Calendar is the best place to find out what, when and where. See the Kingdom of Meridies website for more info on other groups within the South and the events they host.

At events, you will find fighting tournaments, classes, dancing, music, competitions…and plenty of people to talk to. At events, you become part of it all… everyone is in garb, and therefore everyone is a participant! No garb? We’ve got just the fix. Our Chatelaine keeps a few trunks of garb on hand at our events and will be happy to loan you something to wear.

Most events usually feature a feast fit for a King (and sometimes he shows up with the Queen!), prepared on site using period recipes and ingredients. Imagine a hall decked with colorful banners, long tables set with period plates, tankards and goblets, all in candlelight and feast served one remove at a time… there’s true magic at a feast… why not come check it out?

Sometimes, as mentioned, royalty will attend and then there will be court, where royal matters are attended to in the presence of the populace and members are often recognized for their efforts and contributions to the society.

We are a non-profit group and help out in the community when we can. We give demos at local schools and help with community fund-raising activities when possible. We’ve helped out with Toys for Tots and manned the phones during Alabama Public Television fund drives.