On this page you will find a listing of the officers of our local group and contact information.  We also try to give a brief explanation of what each officer is responsible for.

Seneschal graphicSeneschal
President or chairman of our local “chapter”

Mistress Muirghein inghean Rioghain, OP, OL
Marshall graphicKnight’s Marshall
In charge of combat related activities and safety protocols

Duke Garrick vom Koepke, KSCA, OP, OL
Herald graphicHerald
Responsible for assisting in researching names and heraldic devices as well as announcing events and activities

Master Kevin EriƓl, OP
Reeve graphicReeve

Lady Philippa of Thorngill
Shire Financial Policy (last updated November 6, 2018)
A&S graphicMinister of Arts & Sciences
Responsible for encouraging others in their research in the arts and sciences

Mistress Muirghein inghean Rioghain, OP, OL
Minister of Children graphicMinister of Children
Responsible for classes for and encouragement of children in our group and at local events

Chatelaine graphicChatelaine
Our “welcome wagon” who can help you with information and resources

Mistress Heabhurh aet Niewcastel, OP
Webminister graphicWebminister
Updates website

Sir Richard na Teanga Mhin, KSCA
Chronicler GraphicChronicler
Prints newsletters and updates phone directory